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  1. D

    Screen stuck up

    When I tried to call my wife this morning, the Uconnect screen froze and the speakers made a loud, high-pitched noise. I tried to end the call, but the screen crashed and restarted. Do you have any ideas about what is causing this problem?
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    Wagoneer warranty reimbursement

    That's legit. What year did you buy your Wagoneer?
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    2023 WS3 towing package

    We have similar figures. Did you change to bigger tires? Is it also lifted?
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    My 2023 Grand Wagoneer S3 transmission electrical issues among others?

    Any updates? Did you take it to the dealer?
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    Problem with my Grand Wagoneer Series 3 Battery

    So I got mine replaced with a new battery as well. So far, it's doing good, but it did make me wonder if it's a bit early for such a problem.
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    Problem with my Grand Wagoneer Series 3 Battery

    My battery has died SIX times already, and the dealership cannot figure it out despite running tests. Has anyone else dealt with this?

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