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  1. T

    Know the Lemon Law Rights. Don't get stuck!

    Thank goodness I don't have to deal with Lemon Law. Almost did with my previous car. @cuddlyBear what did you eventually get?
  2. T

    Series II

    +1 for @WorldClassDBag always consider how you'll be driving to make the most out of your car. Since you're friend is driving with family, then cruising easy is recommended at 3.21 ratio.
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    add-on options for Wagoneer L Series II

    I agree with @Silver.Surfer, you can't load it to its maximum weight. It's not just about how much my car can tow, but also how much weight is pushing down on the hitch. If that weight is too much, I could be in trouble. I might lose control, have a hard time stopping, and even damage my car. A...

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