Disappointed Wagoneer's mileage, anyone else?

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San Jose, California
Sharing my frustration here - my 2022 Wagoneer L TT6 is only getting 14-16mpg, way off the sticker estimate. I even use cruise control a lot! Hoping to hear from other TT6 drivers - what kind of gas mileage are you seeing? Dealer says it's normal, but I'm not convinced...
Where do you usually travel? That's some pretty decent numbers already I think...
Sharing my frustration here - my 2022 Wagoneer L TT6 is only getting 14-16mpg, way off the sticker estimate. I even use cruise control a lot! Hoping to hear from other TT6 drivers - what kind of gas mileage are you seeing? Dealer says it's normal, but I'm not convinced...
My current energy efficiency is around 3.4 miles per kWh, which is consistent with my previous performance. My tires are still in decent condition, but one is starting to wear down, and another has a very slow leak (it loses about 4 psi over 3 weeks). If you don't mind, I'd like to know what tires you chose, at what tread depth you replaced them, and whether you rotated them.

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