How to reset the FireTV?

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My brother just bought a 14k miles ex-demo Wagoneer directly from the dealer. The problem is during the demo someone used their Amazon account for the FireTV on the rear entertainment. To reset it, my brother needs someone's Amazon pin. But there are no chances to find that person, of course.
Told the dealership about this problem, and you wouldn't believe what they told him to do...
TO GUESS THE PIN!! Imagine that.
I even tried the factory reset method and no results.
How can we reset the FireTV?
I had the same problem with my TV after an update. I had to do a factory reset to fix it.

Here's how you can do it: Press and hold the Back button and the right side of the navigation circle together for 10 seconds. Then, choose to continue or cancel the reset on the TV screen. It should fix any issues you're having.
Thanks for the tips, @FirstSelector and @gibberishfreak!
@FirstSelector, I tried holding the Back button and the right side of the navigation circle as you suggested, but no luck with the reset so far.

@gibberishfreak, I will reach out to the dealer again and ask if it is the rear seat entertainment module. I just hope they don’t give me another ridiculous solution like 'guessing the pin' this time!

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